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Diversity is a defining feature of California's past, present, and future. As a public institution, the University of California is committed to achieving diversity, while striving for inclusive excellence. A diverse academic community enhances the exploration of ideas vital to our academic mission (see UCOP guidance).

According to the UC Diversity Statement, diversity refers to “the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and geographic region, and more."

The recruitment and retention of an excellent and diverse faculty continues to be a high priority for the University and for our campus specifically (see UCOP guidance). In addition to enhancing our teaching, research, and public service mission, a diverse faculty reflects our commitment to equal opportunity and ensures that we can serve the needs of our increasingly diverse student body.

The Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion works with administrators and Equity Advisors to identify and implement practices that will advance these goals. These include broadening candidate pools, establishing clear criteria for evaluating applicants, guarding against biases in decision making, and treating all candidates with respect.

Faculty Equity Advisors

Faculty Equity Advisors (FEAs) work collaboratively with Deans, Department Chairs, and search committees to ensure that equity and inclusion are considered in all aspects of faculty affairs, including recruitment, retention, and advancement. They provide implicit bias training for search committees, guidance on implementing inclusive practices, and other input as needed.

If you are a faculty member and have ideas or concerns relating to your department or division, feel free to reach out to your FEA or schedule an appointment to meet with the Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Search Committee Training

All faculty serving on faculty search committees are required to complete training for inclusive hiring every three years. The goal of the training is to give faculty the tools to interrupt and address unconscious bias in every step of the recruitment process, and to apply best practices for a fair and inclusive search.

The Search Committee Training has two parts:

  1. Part 1 (asynchronous) is a pre-read slide deck that covers diversity and implicit bias. Please note that you will need to log in via UC San Diego SSO in order to access and download the slides. If you have trouble accessing the slide deck, please contact Faculty are expected to read through these slides and become familiar with the content before attending Part 2.
  2. Part 2 is a synchronous session led by a Faculty Equity Advisor (FEA) that focuses on strategies for interrupting/mitigating bias in the search process, and best practices for a fair and inclusive search. Participants will have an opportunity to think through how to apply practical strategies and best practices, and ways they might respond in certain situations during the search process. Upcoming trainings are listed below with links to register through UC Learning.

Upcoming Training Sessions

Faculty are encouraged to participate in the session corresponding to their school or division but may attend any available session to fulfill the requirement.

Date & Time: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Dr. Sally Sadoff, Rady School of Management
Register on UC Learning

Guidelines, Articles, Videos, and Other Media